Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Emma before she went to school this morning, I think she think's she is a supermodel!!
Well today I tried Facebook and didn't think much of it - so cancelled that, now away to try myspace - too much time on my hands mees thinks!!
Every time I go out the back door today there is a wasp, I'm sure it is the same one with a homing beacon with my name on it!
Emma has decided she would like a birthday party in the house with 10 friends and it has to be a makeover party!!  Will I survive - watch this space :)


  1. Ha Ha!! Rope me in if you need to Pam, we could set up different beauty stations around the room, hair, nail, make-up!! Sounds like fun to me!!!! Lisa x

  2. All the best. We will see you later on after the makeovers.
