Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Fun in the sun

Emma spent most of her time in the pool as did Fraser.
 We went to Rancho Texas Park a couple of times, which is an extremely educational and well run zoo/park.  Will post some of the photos later.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

watch this space, I will get round to putting up some holiday photos, honest!!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Friday, 11 September 2009

What a glorious day, the sun is shining and the birds are singing.
Holiday tickets have arrived yippee!!
Haven't been doing much of anything.  We went to Jimmy Chung's in Aberdeen with mum and dad on Sunday, eat all you can buffet, it was great.
Got a borrow of a measure your electricity usage machine from mum and dad, can't stop looking at it, makes you think about switching lights off and do I really need to boil the kettle? use the toaster? etc.
The snakes tanks don't used as much as I thought they would, so pleased about that.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Well did it rain yesterday or what!!
It never stopped from morning till night, poor pussy in the picture went out once to do his business and came in like a bat out of hell!!
We have developed a leak in our lobby roof  beside the front door
not too bad at the moment, will wait till it dries out to assess the damage.
Emma got a disco tonight to celebrate 100 years of the guiding association, 7-9pm so that will be good - for both her and myself!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Emma before she went to school this morning, I think she think's she is a supermodel!!
Well today I tried Facebook and didn't think much of it - so cancelled that, now away to try myspace - too much time on my hands mees thinks!!
Every time I go out the back door today there is a wasp, I'm sure it is the same one with a homing beacon with my name on it!
Emma has decided she would like a birthday party in the house with 10 friends and it has to be a makeover party!!  Will I survive - watch this space :)

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Lovely sunny Sunday, Colin and Emma away swimming, Fraser still in bed.  So thought I would sit and look at the photo of our villa in Lanzarote - less than 5 weeks to go!!

Friday, 28 August 2009

Hey, this is my first post, it's so exciting!!!!
What can I tell you about the weather? (thats a favourite topic in Scotland,) it's blowing a hoolie gale and pretty cold, the heating even came on this afternoon for a wee while.
On my todd just now as hubby working, son upstairs with his mates and little princess away to her aunt and uncles for a sleep over, it's lovely and peaceful. long may it last.
Will have to find some photo's to put up, added a photo of a  tiger at the bottom of my page as I think they are beautiful.